Celebrities Using Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss and More
Every day more and more people are discovering the power of NLP, Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy to lose weight and for creating other positive changes in their lives. This list includes… Read more »
Every day more and more people are discovering the power of NLP, Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy to lose weight and for creating other positive changes in their lives. This list includes… Read more »
When it comes to nutritional strategies for health and for attaining your ideal weight, there are lots of choices for your essential protein intake which are more effective and less… Read more »
All too often people operate within their self created comfort zone and fail to grasp opportunities to grow and contribute beyond that space. And to be fair, some are well… Read more »
No one can possibly “make you feel” any emotion whatsoever, because your emotions are only ever created in YOUR OWN MIND in response to INTERNAL BELIEFS you have about the… Read more »
On Memorial Day we are reminded that many of our Vets and their familes are dealing with the grief and stress from loss as well as PTSD. This is a time for all of us to provide whatever support we can for the famlies of our Fallen Heroes as well as those returning Heroes who suffer daily from PTSD.
People are always asking me if hypnosis works for things like weight loss or to quit smoking or to relieve stress along with a wide variety of circumstances and the answer is almost always "yes." The reason my answer is almost always yes is because all of your emotions and most of your behaviors are either controlled entirely or greatly influenced by your unconscious mind and the unconscious mind is where hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming works effectively to create the lasting positive changes people are wanting.
Let's take weight loss as an example. Eating is very much an unconscious behavior. People eat for a variety of reasons, the least of which normally is healthy nutrition. People eat when they're stressed, bored, depressed, celebrating, tired, anxious, being social and from time to time to nourish their body. All these reasons, except healthy eating, are controlled by the unconscious part of your mind.
Positive stress, also known as Eustress is the excitement felt by people when they are confronted by a demanding situation, which they think they can handle. People intentionally create Eustress through sports, gambling, business, watching scary movies and riding roller coasters. Eustress is created by the subconscious mind. Negative stress (distress) is also created by the subconscious mind and can sometimes be very appropriate and useful… for example… in an emergency situation.