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Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety – A Cure or a Cause of Stress and Anxiety?

Driving to work today, I heard the radio ad for the Midwest Center for Stress and Anxiety. In the ad, they promised they knew how you could relieve yourself of stress and anxiety through their exclusive method and offered a free CD to explain how the program works. Since, as a Certified Hypnotherapist and Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, I regularly help people to live a stress free and anxiety free life, I wanted to find out more about their program and called the toll free number. 

Robin Williams and Joan Rivers, Same Professions but Worlds Apart

Robin Williams and Joan Rivers are two comedic icons yet live(ed) in two remarkably different worlds. Robin used humor, along with alcohol to cope with and mask depression while Joan used humor to laugh at everyone including herself. I can only wonder how funny Robin might have been if he had been able to remain sober and manage the depression that robbed him of his life and the world of his amazing talent and humanity. 

Depression is not a laughing matter. Depression affects more than one's mood. It negatively affects a person's health, their longevity and their productivity. The causes and potential cures for depression are the subject of study and conjecture. 

Building Self-Confidence is a Key to Success and Happiness

Whether it's the quiet confidence of your doctor whose advice you willingly follow to the self assured financial advisor you entrust your money to or the charismatic confidence of a public speaker, we all admire self confident people. 
Self-confidence is an essential element in almost every aspect of our lives affecting everything from our careers to our relationships yet many people struggle to gain it. Sad too is the fact that low self confidence can be a vicious circle as negative outcomes, the result of low self-confidence, tend to confirm a person's low self-image thereby lowering self-confidence even further. 

Eliminate Limiting Beliefs Through Hypnotherapy

We live our lives in accordance with to our beliefs.  Beliefs are the structure of reality… or more accurately, reality as we percieve it.  It's our beliefs that control or limit what we we can or can't do or become in life. In fact, your beliefs are so powerful they can either make or break you. Using hypnotherapy, I work every day helping people eliminate their limiting beliefs while creating new, empowering beliefs. The one constant over the years is that we… all of us.. are our beliefs. 

Hypnotherapy Continues to Gain Mainstream Acceptance

Thanks to on-stage entertainers and a wide variety of movies featuring hypnotized cast members acting stupid or worse, being manipulated to do unspeakable things, for many, hypnosis has a bad rep for being little more than pure entertainment.
The truth about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. however, is something completely different. Hypnosis as a healing tool has existed since the 15th century and since 1841 and has been further refined and improved by some of the most capable and advanced psychologists and researchers of their time. While its story has been tarnished by decades of disrepute, since the it's now making its way back into the mainstream.

Deeming Obesity a Disease Does More Harm Than Good

When the American Medical Association deemed obesity a “disease” it may have done more harm than good. A new study suggests that calling obesity a disease tends to make certain people less likely to eat healthy or exercise. This data was the result of responses from 700 participants who took an online survey.

Is Type 2 Diabetes a Medical or Behavior Problem?

Type 2 Diabetes in the US is at epidemic levels and it shows no sign of abating. To make matters worse, most studies indicate that adherence to healthy Type 2 Diabetes management practices among Type 2 Diabetics is around 30%.  This means most Type 2 Diabetics are slowly killing themselves because they are unable to make the lifestyle changes necessary to prevent the catastrophic complications that accompany this disorder. 
The diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes means that your blood glucose levels (A1C) are consistently higher than those of a healthy individual. It doesn't indicate whether a high A1C is due to a poorly functioning pancreas or whether the patient's muscle cells have become so insulin resistant that they are no longer able to absorb enough glucose to keep up with the body's production.  Accordingly, the diagnose relates to a symptom, and not an actual cause. 

9 Hypnotherapy Based Tips to Lose Weight Permanently

When I tell people that I'm a hypnotherapist, they inevitably ask: Does it work?  When I assure them it does, they usually have a follow up question along the lines of “could it help me lose weight, quit smoking, feel better about myself or some other personal issue they are dealing with.”  In most cases, I am pleased to tell them that yes, hypnotherapy can be an effective tool for creating that change in their life. 
Hypnosis predates carbohydrate and calorie counting by a few hundred years yet this well proven attention-focusing technique has yet to be embraced wholeheartedly by the medical community as an effective weight loss tool.  This, despite the fact that hypnosis prestigious hospitals in the U.S. now use and teach hypnosis, such as Stanford University School of Medicine in San Francisco, the Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston, and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Since the American Medical Association sanctioned the use of hypnosis, many insurance companies cover hypnosis for some medical and dental uses, including major surgeries. 

Is Hypnotherapy the Key to Successful and Permanent Weight Loss?

Hypnotherapy succeeds at creating permanent weight loss where diets don't because it focuses on the real reason people are overweight in the first place.  What does it tell you when America has the most serious and ongoing obesity epidemic of any country in the world yet, for years, it's also been the country with more different diet plans than the rest of the world combined?  The obvious conclusion is this: DIETS DON'T WORK!  Or to be more precise, diets may work for a little while but, in most cases, they don't succeed at creating permanent weight loss. 
The reason diets don't work is simple and fundamental.  Whether it's fad diet from a book or a prepackaged Nutri-System style food plan, they all address what you eat and how much you eat but they don't get to the core reason people are overweight in the first place and that's why you eat. 

Happiness Now Hypnosis Joins the Give An Hour Program

Provides Free Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Related Conditions to Combat Veterans


Happiness Now Hypnosis is pleased to announce that we have been selected as an Alternative Provider for Give an Hour and will be providing free Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming services to combat veterans in the Detroit Metro and Ann Arbor Metro, Michigan area who are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and related conditions.