Mastering Your Weight Through Hypnosis

Hypnosis is the easiest way to lose weight!

Our exclusive Mastering Your Weight Program© changes more than just what you eat. 

weight-loss-hypnosis-2We understand that restrictive diets don’t work, and depriving yourself of your favorite foods is no way to live. The Mastering Your Weight Program is not a diet. There are no menus to follow, meals to purchase, or embarrassing weigh-ins.

Instead, this program is focused on behavior modification and overcoming bad habits. Using state of the art Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming processes we help you make the best possible choices in your everyday life and effortlessly transform your body into a fat-burning machine.

Regain maximum health while you achieve your ideal weight. In your customized program, you’ll learn to overcome common weight-loss roadblocks, eat and think healthy, overcome your cravings and increase your self-confidence.

Change ALL your nutritional habits with hypnosis – With our healthy weight loss program you’ll change all the reasons you gained the weight in the first place and why you struggle to get it off and keep it off.

You’ll get started by establishing and then installing powerful, proven goal setting strategies that will empower you and engage the help of your unconscious mind every single day as you begin your journey toward your ideal weight. Imagine having your unconscious mind on your side for a change as you gain mastery over your weight and your health.
Next, using the power of your unconscious mind you’ll change three of the four basic behaviors that affect your weight… why you eat, how you eat and what you eat so that, instead giving up eating to reach your weight goals, you’ll actually begin eating in order to reach your ideal weight.
Next we’ll lead you through processes that will enable you to tap into your already existing and proven strategies for success the ones you use to accomplish your most important goals in business and life and you’ll begin applying them to achieve your ideal weight goal naturally and comfortably. 
At the same time as your changing your behaviors to successfully master your weight, you’ll also be able to gain confidence, build your self esteem and even reduce stress to help you enjoy your new weight and your new life.
In most cases, fitness is another important component of mastering your weight and in our sessions, you’ll learn secrets about motivation and use powerful processes that will help increase your enthusiasm for exercise and fitness.

Your hypnotherapy session will be tailored to your specific situation, needs and lifestyle enabling you master your weight and your health and, in addition to the changes you’ll experience during each session, we record each hypnosis session and, at the end of the session, you’ll get a recorded CD of the hypnosis part of your session to take home with you to play daily to reinforce your new behaviors and further empower you.

The Mastering Your Weight Program consists of:

  • 3 Sessions 1-2 weeks apart (a complimentary 4th session will be provided if client is not making satisfactory progress)
  • 1 Follow-up session in approximately 60 days

Optional Special Savings

Mental Emotional Release Therapy session (also known as Time Line Therapy) to relieve stress, anxiety and low self esteem at 50% off regular session rates.

Hypnosis Works!

Call now for a free consultation or click here to schedule a session and discover how easy and enjoyable it is to

Mastering Your Weight with Hypnosis and NLP.

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(248) 234-1891

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