The New Year is a great time to review the past year and ask ourselves “How can I become happier and more productive in this new year?” A recent survey indicated the majority of people when asked about their New Year’s Resolution want to quit smoking, lose weight or change their behavior in other ways that will improve their health and their happiness. What the article didn’t mention is that incorporating Hypnotherapy and NLP into your plan is the best ways possible way to make sure you keep those resolutions throughout the year.
Unfortunately, for most people, their New Year’s resolutions last only a very short while. My daughter who is routinely visits the gym 3 or 4 times a week, commented yesterday that the last few days the gym has been crowded like never before. She actually had to wait to get on a treadmill and to use some of the circuit training stations. But then we agreed, if she just puts up with it for a week or so, it will go back to normal as the New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside.
Every year people resolve to change some aspect of their life they aren’t satisfied with or to improve their life in some meaningful way. In almost every instance, these resolutions have to do with changing a behavior. The reason this proves so difficult for most people is that your unconscious mind controls all of your emotions while controlling or strongly influencing most of your behaviors and conscious will power is one of the least effective methods of altering your behavior.
The good news is that NLP and Hypnotherapy are one of the best ways to effect permanent positive changes in your behavior. Both Hypnosis and NLP are scientifically proven to help you make the changes in your life you want to make and do it naturally and comfortably.
So, do you want to make this the year you reach and maintain your ideal weight? Then try Hypnotherapy and NLP. We have a special program we call “Mastering Your Weight” that might be just the thing for you. Do you want to make this the year you finally quit smoking? Then our “Quit Smoking in 88 Minutes” Program is tailor made for you. Or maybe 2019 is the year you decide to finally let go of some of those old beliefs and negative thoughts about yourself that have been holding you back all these years while fueling your anxiety at the same time. Or maybe you want to just be more confident and outgoing… or dedicated to health and fitness. Whatever changes you want to make for yourself in the new year, Hypnotherapy and NLP can help you get there.
Schedule a session today, there’s no reason to wait any longer. You deserve to enjoy your life as the best version of you and we can help you get there naturally and comfortably in a safe and supportive way. Just click here and take the first important step to a better and happier you. Or, give us a call at 248-234-1891 for a free phone consultation. We’ll discuss your individual situation and get all your questions answered.
Make 2019 the year when you claim all the happiness you deserve and let Hypnotherapy and NLP help you get there.
All the best to you in the New Year.