Fee Schedule

While these are my fees, this does not answer the more important question, “How much will it cost for me to achieve my desired results?” The number of sessions it will take to reach your goals will vary based upon your individual situation, your goals and your challenges. Most clients, particularly those who have spent time in traditional therapy, are surprised as how quickly they can experience significant positive change in their life through hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming. I offer a free initial phone consultation so we can discuss your unique situation. Then, I’ll be better able to give you an estimate of how many sessions might be recommended for you to reach your goals. You can call me anytime at 248-234-1891. If I’m in session, leave a message and I’ll get back to you promptly.

To give you better value, we’ve created special packages that offer considerable savings over the pay as you go method.

In all cases, you always get to wait until the end of your first session to chose which package or method is best for you. To schedule a session online click here.

    • Initial Session for a new client  (excludes smoking cessation)-  approximately 105 minutes – $225 
    • Follow-up/ Regular Sessions for existing clients – approximately 80-90 minutes – $150  
    • New Client Special (3 Session package for new clients) – Can be used for any issues including weight loss except smoking cessation – Includes initial session and two follow up sessions – $450 (Save $75 over pay-as-you-go)
    • Mastering Your Anxiety/Esteem Program – 5 sessions over 2-3 months at client’s convenience. Click here to learn more.  $725 (save $100 over pay-as-you-go)
    • Mastering Your Weight Program – 3-4 weekly or bi-weekly sessions plus 1 follow up session in 60 days plus another session for 50% off – $625 ( Value of up to $900)
    • Quit Smoking in 88 MinutesPay as you go – $275 per session. After 3 sessions, one each week for 3 weeks, if you are not completely off tobacco we will provide additional weekly sessions at no additional charge until you are successful. If you complete all 3 sessions we will also provide free follow-up sessions should you relapse or struggle within 1 year from the date of your last session.   For more information on the Quit Smoking in 88 Minutes program click here.
    • Quit Smoking in 88 Minutes – Package$695 – Includes the initial session plus two follow-up sessions once a week for two more weeks. if you are not completely off tobacco by the end of the third session, we will provide additional weekly sessions at no additional charge until you are successful.  If you complete all 3 sessions we will also provide free follow-up sessions should you relapse or struggle within 1 year from the date of your last session For information on the Quit Smoking in 88 Minutes program click here.


  • I take cash or checks and all major credit cards and HSA cards at the time service is delivered.

    INSURANCE: While I do not process insurance claims, some insurance companies will reimburse you for hypnotherapy services, particularly for health related issues like smoking cessation, diabetes related hypnotherapy etc.  I will be glad to provide you with a receipt that is suitable for submission to your insurance company for possible reimbursement at your request.


    Day or evening Group Sessions are available by request only. I offer smoking cessation, healthy nutrition & weight loss primarily but can custom tailor sessions for any objective. Just contact me to discuss your group’s need. There is no charge for the consultation.

    Group Size & Fees

    Group SizeFee Per PersonCD Optional
    attendee may
    CD included
    2-10$500 Minimum Fee$10.00$7.50
    11 - 25$45 per person$10.00$5.00
    26 - unlimited$40 per person$10.00$5.00