Do What You Love or Love What You Do
"Thank God it's Friday" is a well worn phrase indicating satisfaction and joy at reaching the end of one's work week. While it certainly applies to many, as joyful an expression as it is, it's also sad in a way because it represents the feelings of someone who doesn't really love their work. So…how much do you love your job?
How awesome would it be to love your work so much that you looked forward to getting up in the morning and starting work? Then you could declare "Thank God it's Friday" on Friday because the weekend would bring a different kind of enjoyable experience and come Sunday, you could once again exclaim "Thank God it's Sunday"… not only if you attend worship services that day, but because it means that tomorrow you get to return to that other rewarding, enjoyable experience… your work.
While the old axiom "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" is a little overly simplistic, it's a worthwhile goal for anyone. But, if you can't figure out how to make a living doing the thing you love most, then the alternative is to learn to love the work that you do and that's something attainable by just about everyone.
Check out this video. If this man can love his job, can't you love yours a little more today?